SIR Conor Burns has pledged to put Bournemouth first whether Labour or the Tories form the next government. 

The Conservative candidate for Bournemouth West said he has “tried to serve the community quietly, often below the radar, working for local people”. 

“You don't see me popping up on Sky News to pontificate about who should be the next leader or lurch in particular directions,” he told the Echo. 

Speaking from his Westbourne home, Sir Conor pointed out the Labour candidate in Bournemouth East resigned from his councillor role in Oxford but his opponent in his own constituency, Bournemouth West, has not resigned from her seat in Westminster City Council. 

Discussing his ideas for Bournemouth, Sir Conor said he will push for the council’s promised residents’ card offering discounts around the town centre. 

Sir Conor suggested a farmer’s market in Old Christchurch Road, given the town is slap bang in the middle of rural Hampshire and Dorset “two of the most agriculturally fertile parts of the country”. 

He also said a vibrant town centre must have appropriate policing: “Policing isn't working. We have got to get these additional 174 officers onto the streets.  

“Invisible, proactive, community policing tackling the scourge of anti-social behavior, aggressive begging and open drug dealing. 

“And I will challenge anyone from chief constable downwards until that changes... no more slogans, no more excuses. A properly policed town.” 

Sir Conor has been Bournemouth West’s MP since 2010, but the polls are suggesting the town could be voting Labour in for the first time ever. 

When asked about his record in the area, he said: “I've got a record of delivery for the community that I serve. 

“When I look around, I see schools like St Aldhelm's, Bourne Academy completely rebuilt, better Ofsted results, huge investments into our primary schools. 

“We're giving more of our kids the best start in life, we've got the new barn theatres in Poole Hospital and the BEACH building at Royal Bournemouth, part of the £250m historic investment into our local NHS that I use as a local resident. 

“Crucially, I think I've got a plan for what we need to do. To give our town centre a new lease of life in a reimagined form fit for the 21st century. 

“I've proven that I can leave party politics aside to work for the interests of the community that I'm part of and have served.  

“Most recently through the town centre task force and I can continue, whoever is in government, to work collaboratively and positively, to deliver positive local change as I have over the last 14 years.” 

Sir Conor is standing against Jessica Toale (Labour), Jeff Hanna (Lib Dem), Darren Jones (Green Party), Ben Aston (Reform UK), David Warden (David Warden) and Julie Vivienne (Christian People’s Alliance).