PLANS to demolish a care home and rebuild it have been reduced and resubmitted after it was refused and called ‘oppressive’ by council planners.

Luxurycare has resubmitted plans for Eagles Mount Care Home at 25 Birds Hill Road after previous plans for a new seven-storey building were refused in January.

Now, the care company has lodged plans for a new home that would be two storeys fewer than the refused plan, but the scheme would still see an increase in bedrooms to 98 rooms from 72.

Founder and CEO of the Luxurycare Group, Kevin Gunputh, said: “I have been in the care sector for 20 years, following in my father's footsteps, who also dedicated 20 years to this field.

“He built the care home at 25 Birds Hill Road in 1992, and at that time, it was a state-of-the-art facility.

“The location, with its stunning harbour views and splendid sunsets, holds significant sentimental value to our family.

“Our planning journey is focused on creating a new, modern facility that will benefit our local community and leave a legacy for our children, who are now five and two.

“The care market has evolved substantially, and I feel a deep connection to my father's path as I navigate these changes.”

Mr Gunputh said while a home with 60 to 70 beds in the 1990s was sufficient, there is now a need to increase capacity.

“With the advancements in care requirements and equipment, as well as the substantial increase in building and running costs, Luxurycare to now need to put in place larger rooms and more capacity to meet these demands,” he said.

“Our goal is to provide a contemporary, efficient, and comfortable environment for our residents, ensuring we continue to offer the highest standards of care.”

The new building would have a ‘contemporary architectural appearance’.

The scheme would create a larger garden and larger terraces and balconies for residents to ‘enhance’ the outdoor areas at the home.

As well as reducing the height of the building, the resubmitted plans will have a ‘shorter leg’ along Birds Hill Road, reducing the height along the road.

Planning permission remains in place to expand the current care home by two storeys, which remains a ‘valid fall-back position’, a design and access statement said.

A neighbour consultation on the plans will end on July 16. There is no date set for a decision at this stage.