A MAN sexually abused two children and manipulated them not to tell anyone about their “little game”, a court heard.

Steven Richardson, 53, assaulted the children around 15 years ago but his crimes only came to light recently when the victims reported him to the police.

He was sentenced at Bournemouth Crown Court on June 14 for six counts of sexual offences against children.

Prosecutor, Simon Jones, said Richardson was found guilty of all charges by jury after a seven-day trial.

One of the victims said in a statement they have been left unable to trust men, even if they know they are safe.

“You have ruined my life and my relationships and how I interact with the world.

“You have made me a shell of a person.”

They added: “Never again will you be able to hurt someone.

“I have thrived despite you.”

Mitigating, Malcolm Gibney, said the defendant has never been before the courts and despite moving to the UK, still supports his family in South Africa.

He also commented on the state of the prison system saying prisoners are incarcerated for 23 hours a day.

Judge Jonathan Fuller KC said Richardson touched a child inappropriately and made them touch him in return.

“You used the pretence about cleanliness of the area when it was quite the opposite.

“You pestered [them] to expose themselves.”

He added that those three incidents against one of the children changed their life “profoundly”.

The victim has been unable to pursue their dream career due to mental health difficulties following the assaults.

Richardson manipulated his victims in not reporting his actions by threatening them and warning them not to tell anyone about their “little game”.

Judge Fuller said both victims had the “courage to soldier and carry on” with their lives despite Richardson’s actions.

When the defendant's crimes came to light he denied his offences and forced the victims to give evidence in court.

Judge Fuller said Richardson’s only mitigation was his lack of previous convictions.

Richardson, of Lockeridge Close, Blandford Forum, was jailed for 14 years.

He was also handed a sexual harm prevention order and placed on the sex offenders register for life.