CHILDREN at a Bournemouth school are celebrating getting keep clear road safety markings outside their school.

St Martin's School in Stoke Wood Road has had no road safety precautions outside since it opened nearly 110 years ago.

But now, to the ‘delight of the headteacher, staff and parents’, BCP Council painted the keep clear markings and installed signage alerting road users to the fact that there is a school in the vicinity and preventing people stopping or parking outside.

(Image: Submitted)

Headteacher Kerri Male said: “After presenting all our evidence in support of this action, I’m so glad that the application was finally approved. We are thrilled to have this important road safety feature in place outside St Martin’s School.”

The new markings mean there is a no-stopping area outside the school anytime between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday, along with the new double yellow lines around the junction of Stoke Wood Road and Lonsdale Road.

Mrs Male added: “I am very glad that road users will now be aware that children may be walking in this area, while the no stopping restrictions improve sightlines, making it easier and safer for families crossing the road at pick up and drop off times.

“We are all very grateful to the local authority for putting this in place for our school.”