A FORMER Weymouth pub landlord is stranded abroad after falling seriously ill.

 Malcolm Stocker became ill while on holiday with his partner in İçmeler in Turkey.

Mr Stocker, who is the former landlord of the Duke of Albany in Weymouth, was first severely dehydrated and later developed pneumonia.

On Sunday, May 19, the retired 68-year-old was taken to the hospital where he was put into an induced coma with a medical ventilator. 

Two weeks later he was woken up, and has been very slowly on the mend, but remains in serious condition and cannot yet be moved back to the UK.

His family have been working hard to support him, making trips to Turkey.

His son Lee, a Weymouth taxi driver remains by his side in Turkey.

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Malcolm Stocker (middle) with his children, Kerry-Ann Taylor, Emma-Jane Stocker and Lee Stocker (Image: Emma-Jane Stocker)

However, the family says that the hospital bills have been racking up (now more than £40k) and the hospital has asked for £20k on Monday, June 17, - a sum they cannot afford.

Mr Stocker's daughter Emma-Jane Stocker said: "The stress this is all causing is catastrophic.

"The hospital is demanding a payment of £20,000 by Monday - money we do not have. They will not tell us what will happen if we cannot make this payment.

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"This situation is worsening, with Dad still laid up too unwell to leave let alone travel. The hospital will not allow him to leave without payment. We do not know where to turn."

Emma-Jane Stocker adds that the British embassy in Turkey advised them to start a fundraising page to help gather the money, but they feel like they have nowhere to turn to for help.

"It is an absolute nightmare," added Emma-Jane.

"We need to get him home and in a hospital so we know he is in good hands."

Mr Stocker was born and raised in Weymouth and has since retired to Exmouth. He was unable to get insurance due to pre-existing heart conditions.

The Stocker family are hoping to raise money to pay the hospital bill and to help arrange for Mr Stocker to be brought back to the UK once his condition improves enough for travel.

If you would like to donate to support Mr Stocker and his family, visit: gofundme.com/f/malcolm-stockers-hospital-fees-in-turkey