Katie Price was snapped at a Bournemouth book signing 20 years ago.

Borders was busting at the seams on July 1, 2004, when glamour girl Jordan finally made her long-awaited visit to the town.

The celebrity model was originally meant to have visited Borders in May that year to sign copies of her autobiography Being Jordan but had to cancel at the last minute because of “other commitments.”

And then her hordes of local fans were left wondering whether she would ever make it to Bournemouth on the rescheduled day when it was revealed that the 25-year-old was severely delayed by a car accident on the M3 motorway.

But an hour-and-a-half later than planned, the I’m a Celebrity star finally arrived to whistles and cheers of appreciation from an excited crowd, consisting mainly of awestruck teenagers and middle-aged men.

Refusing to give any interviews, Katie Price was happy to pout for the photographers and pose on top of a table.

But her fans were given strict instructions - not to ask her questions as she scrawled her autograph because she would not talk and write at the same time.