SHOCKING figures show that one in 20 people have died as a result of air pollution in Dorset.

Office for Health Improvement and Disparities figures show air pollution was responsible for 4.4% of the deaths of people in Dorset aged over 30 in 2022.

This data comes after National Clean Air Day which takes place on June 20.

In response to the figures, Angela Pooley, the co-ordinator for East Dorset Friends of the Earth said: “These figures are of obvious concern to us and should be to everyone.  We all need to work to reduce our impact on air quality.

“Failure to deal with this will potentially impact the health of us all causing respiratory problems.

“We all can and must work to reduce air pollution.”

Angela also spoke about the dangers of wood burners for air quality and added: “One source of pollution that isn't talked about enough is wood burning stoves: domestic wood burning is now the leading source of fine particulate emissions in the UK.

“Domestic combustion of wood from open fires and stoves is the UK’s leading source of particulate matter.

“Wood burners have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they have been marketed as a greener and cheaper heat source in the context of rising gas and electric bills.

“This trend threatens to undermine air quality improvements from reducing transport emissions in recent years.

“Moving to cleaner transport is one way of reducing air pollution, especially in urban areas and using public transport when possible. 

"If you're able to cycling is also a positive form of transport.”

Friends of the Earth also said the Government "is not acknowledging" the dangers of air pollution.

Climate, transport, and air pollution campaigner Jenny Bates said: "The Government must act now by bringing particulate matter targets in line with the WHO’s interim guidelines by 2030, and enshrine the right to clean air."

Larissa Lockwood, director of clean air at Global Action Plan, said: "The solutions to our air pollution problem already exist. We need the Government to take urgent action to ensure everyone in the UK can breathe cleaner air."