POLICE officer played snog marry avoid on a work trip and ranked how much they would pay to perform oral sex on a colleague, it is alleged.

A serving Dorset Police officer is facing a misconduct panel after he and others allegedly spoke inappropriately about a female colleague on a work trip.

Due to reporting restrictions, the serving police officer, the female colleague and any witnesses are not to be identified.

The panel heard a team of officers were attending a work meeting in London on April 13, 2022, and on their way back to the train station, stopped at a number of pubs.

One member of police staff, when questioned by Mr Mark Ley-Morgan on June 18, said the group attended two to three pubs before buying a bottle of wine at the train station.

He argued he was not intoxicated but “everyone was in high spirits”.

However, another staff member on the trip said she was drunk and felt “remorseful, embarrassed and ashamed” following the train journey.

She added she remembered one of the members of the group suggesting playing the game “snog marry avoid”.

It is said a female police staff, not on the trip, become topic of this game.

It is also alleged a conversation began about what price members of the group would pay to perform oral sex on this female colleague, with one staff member saying they would require a cheeseburger.

Witnesses say the conversation took place between four police staff sat on the train from London Waterloo to Weymouth, including the serving officer facing the misconduct panel.

Another staff member sat at the table said it would have been possible for an inappropriate conversation to have happened and for him, and the accused officer, to not have heard it.

“I worked with my colleague for many years and hold them in the utmost regard,” said the man being questioned as a witness.

Mr Ley-Morgan argues the officer facing misconduct either participated in the conversation or overheard it and failed to put a stop to it.

The officer denies the allegations that he either participated in the inappropriate conversation or heard it and failed to put a stop to it.

The misconduct hearing continues.