PARENTS of pupils who are set to leave Parkfield School have been advised not to make applications for places before their children have been offered a place in the transition plan.

BCP Council has ‘strongly advised’ parents and carers to not submit separate in-year applications for places.

These will not be processed until after their children have received an offer allocated by the transition plan.

Parents and carers have also been advised that the Reach South Academy Trust intends to provide grants for new school uniform for those transferring schools.

The council is writing to every family this week to explain the transfer process and next steps.

The decision to close the school was made by the Department for Education and the trust on June 14, subject to a listening period.

This period will last four weeks, after which a final decision on the closure will be made by the secretary of state for education.

Comments and contributions during this period should be submitted to

A BCP Council spokesperson said: “We understand that this announcement may be worrying for children and families at Parkfield.

“We have been working hard with Parkfield School, Reach South Trust, the Department for Education and local primary and secondary schools across the BCP area, to ensure a smooth transition for children to other local schools.

"In line with the proposed arrangements for closure, families should be reassured that all children will receive an offer of a school place.  

"A detailed plan is in place and all parents/carers with children at Parkfield will shortly receive details from the council about the next steps.  

“Those students taking GCSEs next year will remain at Parkfield School and complete their studies as a Parkfield student.  Children planning their post-16 education will be supported by the council and local schools to take up their offer of a post-16 place.

“We will be in touch with parents over the coming days and weeks, to provide more details of the process.”

More information about the process and next steps can be found on the council’s ‘Proposed phased closure of Parkfield School’ page on its website.