A POOLE hospice has celebrated the success of its memorial event.

Forest Holme Hospice’s Tie A Yellow Ribbon event saw hundreds of people gather at Poole Park on Saturday to remember loved ones.

The free event, which was sponsored by MSP Capital, gave residents across Poole, Wimborne and the Isle of Purbeck the opportunity to write a dedication and tie a yellow ribbon.

Attendees also enjoyed local craft stalls, special performances by the Citrus Singers choir, the Academy Singers from Poole Academy of Dance and free craft activities for children.

Claire Cooper from the charity team at Forest Holme, said: “Despite the unpredictable weather, it was fantastic to welcome so many people from our community in the lovely surroundings of Poole Park who came to reflect and celebrate the lives of their loved ones.

"Last year was the first time we had taken Tie A Yellow Ribbon out of the hospice to the park and this year’s event has proved to be another huge success.”

For those who were unable to attend but would still like to make a dedication, the hospice will happily make one on their behalf, which will then be displayed the garden at Forest Holme over the summer.