TODDLER-fun broke out in Poole Park 20 years ago as Ivo the clown in his taxi was pursued around the cycle track by around 100 under-fives.

But it was not just young children who took part in the third annual sponsored Rotary Toddlethon, organised by the Rotary Club of Poole Bay.

Then-Mayor and Mayoress of Poole, Cllr Les and Maryrose Burden, enthusiastically went around with the youngsters who toddled, walked, ran or were pushed in pushchairs.

The fun day – in which children enjoyed live entertainment and a free ride on the Poole Park train and collected a certificate, goody bag, hat and drink – raised money for Julia’s House Dorset Children’s Hospice Service and Polio Plus.

Event organiser Gillian Finch of the Rotary club said they raised more than £2,600 that day on July 7, 2024.