TOWN councillors have been warned sewage flowing into Christchurch ‘is a possible risk’ if plans for a new treatment plant in Bransgore are approved.

Damage to wildlife, flooding of public footpaths and smells affecting residents’ ‘quality of life’ were among the other possibilities flagged during a Christchurch Town Council meeting.

As reported, developer Wyatt Homes’ had plans for a 100-home development off Derritt Lane approved in May 2022.

Another application has since been submitted, proposing changes to the layout and drainage plans, involving the creation of a package treatment plan and infrastructure.

The town council’s planning and regulatory committee discussed the latest application at its meeting on June 18.

Meeting chairman councillor David Jones told members it was ‘unusual’ for the committee to consider applications outside the Christchurch parish boundaries.

Sketch view of the developmentSketch view of the development (Image: Wyatt Homes/New Masterplanning)

However, he said the application was significant due to the ‘direct impact that overflowing sewage pollution would have on Christchurch and other neighbouring towns as it would circulate through the River Avon'.

Cllr Jones then read a statement on behalf of Cllr Lindy Stuart, who had called the application to the meeting.

The minutes of the meeting read: “The statement pointed out the potential risks of the proposal including damage to the water course, the smell effecting quality of life to the surrounding neighbourhood, damage to wildlife habitat, flooding of highways and public footpaths, the effects to surrounding properties, overflowing sewerage pollution into the rivers effecting the Hampshire side and Dorset side flowing into Christchurch.”

The latest application by Wyatt Homes has received hauls of objections from residents.

Drainage layout planDrainage layout plan (Image: Wyatt Homes/New Masterplanning)

Those at the meeting acknowledged the representations and noted the plans were ‘difficult for residents to understand, despite them being significantly affected by the application if it were approved’.

Members also felt there was ‘very little information about the application’, according to the meeting minutes.

It was decided Christchurch Town Council would raise an objection to the scheme.

Tim Hoskinson, planning director for Wyatt Homes, said: “As part of our planning agreement with New Forest District Council, granted in September 2023, and in order to help conserve the protected habitats around the River Avon and Christchurch harbour, it is proposed that our development in Bransgore will feature a brand new package treatment plant (PTP) to deliver an enhanced level of nutrient removal from the waste water generated by the development, compared to a standard drainage connection discharging to the treatment works in Christchurch.

“We’d like to reassure local people that the PTP is widely used, will be installed safely below ground with no odour or risk to health, and upon completion will be adopted, operated and managed by a statutory water authority.”