AN independent school has announced its new headteacher.

Chris Wheeler, currently principal at Monkton Combe School, will take over from Ben Vessey at Canford School in September 2025.

This post will be Mr Wheeler’s fourth independent school headship.

He has previously held posts at Hillcrest International Schools, St Christopher’s, Brighton College and Peponi School in Kenya.

Mr Wheeler is currently chair of the Institute of Boarding and is a member of the HMC Finance and Risk Committee.

“I am honoured to have been appointed as Canford’s next headmaster,” Mr Wheeler said. “During the interview process I was struck by the strength and warmth of the school community alongside a very evident sense of purpose and culture of ambition among all the pupils, staff and governors I met.

“I am very much looking forward to joining the Canford Community with my family next summer and building on the success of the school to date.”

Sir Gary Coward, chair of governors, thanked the outgoing headteacher, Mr Vessey, while welcoming Mr Wheeler.

He said: “Following a rigorous selection process, we are delighted to have appointed Chris Wheeler as the next headmaster of Canford.

“He joins the school at an exciting time in its history, having celebrated its centenary last year and with the keystone of the current strategy, a Sixth Form College, opening early in his tenure.”