A GP will stand as an independent candidate for election in Poole, saying he feels ‘change is on its way’.

Dr Joe Cronin will stand for election in Poole in the general election on July 4.

He said: “I have put myself forward as an independent candidate due to the appalling state of politics in this country, with politicians lying to us and stirring up hatred and division in society.

“Previously, I believed there was widespread apathy with regards politics among the general population. However, since starting my canvassing, I have realized that I misread the mood. People are not apathetic; they are angry, frustrated, and hopeless.

“Without a voice and representation, people are disengaging from politics at an alarming rate.”

Dr Cronin said he aims to introduce proportional representation, where ‘everyone’s vote genuinely counts’ and that parties are represented in parliament in proportion to their community support.

“I am particularly alarmed by the cynical attempt to pitch the working class against our refugee community to win votes, blaming them for pressures on the NHS, for example,” Joe said.

“As a GP, I know this is completely untrue. At the end of 2023, there were 111,000 people seeking asylum in the UK.

“Could it be that UKIP, Reform, and the Tory parties are talking about people of foreign origin in general?

“The truth is, the pressures in society are due to mismanagement, a lack of ideas, and cowardice to take necessary steps to fix things, with one eye always on the next election.”

Dr Cronin said his main priorities are democracy, children’s mental health and the environment.

“I have never sought a leadership role before, but when those in charge are derelict in their duties, it is time for us to step up,” he said.

“I believe I am the right person at the right time with the right message. We need our voices heard and we need to be represented.

“If elected to represent Poole, I pledge to use my voice, independent of party influence, to advocate for the causes I feel strongly about and those of the people of Poole.

“I feel it in my bones—change is on its way.”

A full list of candidates standing in Poole can be found here.