A DIRECTOR of a technology company has been selected to stand as the Reform UK candidate in Bournemouth East.

Martin Houlden will run for the party at the general election on July 4.

Mr Houlden said: “I first moved here in 1992 and have been the managing director of a UK technology company for over two decades, all while helping to raise our children and juggling the demands of business and family life.

“Both of our kids have attended primary and secondary schools in Bournemouth.

“I’m standing for Reform as I believe the Tories have broken Britain, and Labour will bankrupt us. Britain needs Reform to get a grip on the levels of uncontrolled mass migration.”

The candidate said that public services ‘cannot cope’ and hospitals, GPs and schools are ‘beyond breaking point’.

“Suitable housing is a distant dream for millions,” he said.

“No one argues that a sensible level of inward migration is good for the country.

“But if unlimited immigration was such a benefit to the treasury, how come our taxes are the highest they've been in over 70 years?

“Reform will freeze non-essential immigration, which will boost wages, help protect public services, end the housing crisis and reduce crime. But we also need to stimulate the economy to lift us out of this mess.

“We want to boost wages by lifting the tax threshold from £12.5k to £20k - that alone would put about £1,500 back into your pocket every year. And is a huge benefit particularly to those on lower incomes.

“The Conservatives have spent 14 years increasing the tax burden on working people, and a Labour government would ramp up taxes even further.

“We want to encourage employers to invest in training our own people, rather than rely on cheap imported labour, and we’ve got a plan to end NHS waiting lists and ease the NHS staffing crisis by writing off the student loans of doctors and nurses who spend 10 years working in the NHS.

“So if you want real change, then you’ll need to vote for it on July 4th.”