A bistro owner has said that despite an application to sell drinks up to 10pm she will seldom be open that long.

Owner, Geanina Sofian, said the application for the Premises Licence for Nina’s Bistro in West Street, Wareham, was just for occasional use and she would only be selling beer and wine, when requested, after 5pm, with a meal.

Her bistro has recently been opened in a former bakery in the town with the licence application leading to a single objection over fears that neighbours would be disturbed.

Ms Sofian told a licensing meeting in Dorchester that with the venue only having five tables and background music being played through four small speakers, via a phone, it was very unlikely that anyone could be disturbed.

She said she would seldom be open after 7pm but wanted the licence for the few occasions she might want to stay open until 10pm.

She said the business, at the crossroads with South Street, has seating for 12 customers across five tables with a few more spaces at a communal breakfast bar.

In her statement to the panel she said: “I have no intention of becoming a drinking establishment and, other than for occasional events will not be opening in the evenings.”

No objections had been made by Dorset Police or Environmental Health.

The panel of councillors will announce their decision within five working days.