A CONVENIENCE store previously subject to allegations of child grooming and violence has appealed the council’s decision to revoke its premises licence.

Abracadabra in Christchurch high street, also known as E&E, felt the BCP Council licensing sub-committee ‘gave insufficient consideration to due diligence’ when deciding to revoke its licence.

As reported, the licensing sub-committee held a review of Abracadabra’s premises licence back in January, following a request by Dorset Police.

While much of the committee meeting was held in closed session, a police report revealed the force had received a number of ‘reports of concern related to the premises.’

These related to alleged child grooming, violence, the use of weapons by staff and the availability of counterfeit and prohibited products, namely vapes and cigarettes.

Concerns had also been raised about how the operator ‘engages with youths, especially young women’, and staff sleeping in the storeroom and manager’s office.

Dorset Police said the immigration service had provided additional information which ‘further heightened and amplified’ the concerns.

Speaking at the meeting, licensing officer Tania Jardim noted a multi-agency approach had been taken.

She said Trading Standards had already seized illegal vapes from the store, and Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service had issued a prohibition notice to ban sleeping in the store.

The licensing sub-committee then agreed the ‘only suitable outcome’ was to revoke the premises licence.

Members said licence holder Yunis Mohammad had a ‘lack of understanding’ of the licensing objectives, and had ‘failed to engage with Dorset Police’ to promote them.

The minutes of meeting said: “The sub-committee accepts that Dorset Police have identified and continue to receive reports of concerns associated with this premises and that no further engagement tools are available to Dorset Police that will support the management of this premises to improve their operating practices to enable compliance.”

Now Abracadabra is appealing against the council's decision to revoke the licence.

Court records show Abracadabra ‘did not think that the sub-committee gave enough weight to the evidence’ and ‘felt that they were unrepresented unfairly with insufficient consideration given to due diligence’.

The appeal was due to be heard at Poole Magistrates’ Court on June 20, but has now been adjourned to October 30.