These pictures show Hamworthy from many years ago and give us a glimpse of what the area was like many years ago.

But stretching back much further, evidence would suggest that an Iron Age settlement existed in Hamworthy before the Romans arrived.

The Romans took over the area in the 1st century AD and named it Moriconium.

They likely used Poole Harbour for trade and built a road connecting Hamworthy to Badbury Rings, a hillfort

Records indicate that by the 17th century, Hamworthy was a chapelry and hamlet within the vicarage of Sturminster Marshall.

(Image: Echo)

There's mention of a towngate on Poole's northern boundary, possibly for defence or commerce, near Hamworthy.

Hamworthy Rectory, a red brick mansion built around 1604, is claimed to be the first brick house built in Dorset.

(Image: Echo)

Hamworthy played a role in industry, with a foundry established in 1918 to supply engines and other equipment.

The closure of Poole Power Station and other industries in the 1990s led to regeneration efforts, including a new bridge and housing developments.