A PROPOSED new eatery which sparked ‘takeaway wars’ in Bournemouth town centre has been granted a premises licence.

Bournemouth Bake House has been granted a premises licence following a meeting by BCP Council’s licensing sub-committee.

The new bakery-style takeaway has been earmarked to open next door to Cameo night club in Fir Vale Road.

Owners sought permission from BCP Council to serve late night refreshments between 11pm and 5am every day of the week.

But takeaways along Old Christchurch Road raised concerns about the proposed new venue and its close proximity to the nightclub, warning it could lead to more violence.

One said there had been 'five to ten small or big fights' in the past, and feared people congregating outside Bournemouth Bake House could see more.

When the licensing sub-committee sat on June 18 to consider the application, members noted ‘there were effectively only two objections received’, with two having been made by the same person, and said those received ‘did not appear to be relevant to the application and were based on speculation’.

The application was granted with conditions offered by the applicant and Dorset Police.

These included having a SIA registered door supervisor on duty at the premises from 11pm until 5am, extending CCTV coverage at the premises to an adjacent alleyway, and operating and maintaining a record of regular litter checks in the vicinity.

In giving reasons for the decision, the licensing sub-committee said: “The sub-committee was reassured by the applicant’s previous experience in the industry which was outlined and included a number of businesses run over several years in demanding areas of the town.

“The sub-committee was of the opinion that an additional SIA in the area and the greater CCTV coverage offered by the applicant would support the prevention of crime and disorder.

“The sub-committee was satisfied that if the premises operated in accordance with the conditions offered in the operating schedule of the application, the conditions agreed with Dorset Police and the conditions put forward by the applicant at the hearing, that the premises would not undermine the licensing objectives and as such the application for the premises licence should be allowed.”