A FIVE-YEAR-OLD is determined to help ‘poorly children’ by cutting her much-loved hair to create wigs for others.

Georgia Hunt made the decision to cut 12-inches off her long hair into a bob after seeing an unwell child without any hair in Poole town centre.

She decided she wanted to take the plunge to cut her hair and Jamie, Georgia’s mum, came up with the idea of raising money for the Little Princess Trust.

The charity provides free real hair wigs for children and young people who have lost their hair from cancer treatment or other conditions.

Georgia’s dad, Jason Ballett, said the five-year-old adores her long hair and her parents have been trying to convince her to cut it for a long time.

“Trying to get her to get her hair cut is like pulling teeth, she just refuses point blank,” said Jason.

He added: “Anyone that knows Georgia knows she stands in front of the mirror pretty much at every given time of the day.

“She's late for school some mornings purely because she's standing, brushing her hair.

“She loves Disney princesses and to her long hair is part of that.“

However, since beginning to raise money for the charity, Georgia has been “ecstatic”, and is constantly watching the progress of her GoFundMe.

“Pretty much every night she'll come home from school kind of wondering whether somebody else made the green line a little bit longer,” said Jason.

So far the fundraiser, titled Georgias hair donation - little princess trust, has raised £450 for the charity, almost reaching their £500 target.

Jason said all three of their children are keen to help others and spend time helping out at Jamie’s job of working with autistic adults.

“I think bringing kids into the world where you give back to others is important,” said Jason. Georgia is said to have “really embraced” the cut and both her parents said they are “stoked for her”.

Jason added: “I want to thank everybody that's donated from the bottom of our hearts, because it is changing people's lives and there are small charities out there that get overlooked.”

Georgia will be getting her big chop on Saturday, July 6, at Dana Quinlan. in Canford Cliffs.