UNIVERSITY Hospitals Dorset's (UHD) stroke team has been involved in a global health programme to improve stroke services across the world.

Wessex Global Stroke Partnerships (WGSP) is a voluntary initiative between stroke clinicians throughout Wessex and partners in Ghana and The Gambia.

The partnership supports the development of stroke care through the development of core stroke skills that benefit the majority of patients.

Dr Louise Johnson, consultant therapist at UHD, is a founding member and co-lead for the partnership, which also involves clinicians from Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and other partners.

Louise said: "One of the most important things we can do to improve outcomes for someone with stroke is care for them on a dedicated unit that is staffed by a specialist and skilled multidisciplinary team. 

"There is strong evidence that stroke units save lives, and this is why our partnership focuses on developing coordinated stroke care."

Debs Broadbent is a clinical specialist speech and language therapist at UHD and is currently in Ghana, working with local staff on clinical skills development and the opening of two new stroke units in regional and underserved hospitals in Tamale and Ho.

She added: "My time in Ghana has been an amazing experience.  We have been made so welcome by everyone and there is great enthusiasm and commitment to improve stroke care."