ARMED robbers held a mother and her daughter at gun point while threatening to kill them during a raid of their Sandbanks home.

The career criminals, Aaron Evans, 41 and Ashley Fulton, 42, paraded as police officers before tying a woman up and dragging her daughter by her hair.

Bournemouth Crown Court heard on day one of their sentencing, on June 28, that the pair targeted the home in Chaddesley Glen for the family’s wealth and watch collection.

Personal trainer, Kerry Aitchison, was at home when she answered the door to the two men dressed as police officers both with black caps and one with a face mask, on February 21 last year.

Prosecuting, Mike Mason, told the court that Evans and Fulton pretended to be conducting door-to-door enquiries of a reported sea front rape before barging their way into the house at around 1pm.

They put their hand over Kerry’s mouth and said: “We are professionals if you shut up and behave yourself you will not get hurt.”

She was pushed into the garage, where a safe was located, before having her wrists and ankles bound by cable ties.

They demanded she opened the safe, which she did not have access to, and threatened to shoot and kill her.

Kerry bravely faced the robbers and said: “You are the scum of the earth, this is our future, our investment, you have ruined people’s lives by what you have done today.”

Then 22-year-old Emily Aitchison, Kerry’s daughter, returned home on her lunch break and was met at gun point with the men saying: “We are f***ing robbing you, you are going to end up dead.”

The defendants dragged her by the hair into the garage and demanded the code for the safe or threatened to murder her mother.

They held her down and continued to make threats saying: “Where is your iron we want to burn you.”

After numerous attempts on the safe, the men decided to ransack the home before making a quick exit.

Evans and Fulton made off with around £200,000 of watches, five Louis Vuitton bags, a Mulberry bag and Cartier jewellery.

Kerry tearfully told the court the terror etched on her daughter’s face will live with her forever.

The day after the burglary, Fulton applied for a fraudulent passport, driving license and bank card in his son’s name, which was later collected by his girlfriend, Lacey Langton.

The court heard that both Evans and Fulton have previously been convicted of armed robberies with Mr Mason arguing that they pose a “significant risk to the public.”

Fulton, 42 and of no fixed abode, is charged with three counts of fraud, three counts of possession of an identity document with improper intent, two counts of robbery, possession of an imitation firearm, possession of an article in use of fraud and possession of class A drugs.

Evans, 41 and of no fixed abode, is charged with two counts of robbery, possession of an imitation firearm and fraud.

Langton, 23 and of Wareham, is charged with possession of an identity document with improper intent and perverting the course of justice.

The sentencing was adjourned for a future date which is yet to be set.