AN emergency alert saw lifeboat crews rush out to Poole early on Monday morning.

Two lifeboats from Poole RNLI Station were requested to launch by HM Coastguard at 5.30am after an alert from an EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) was received.

An EPIRB is a device that alerts search and rescue services in case of an emergency at sea.

The D class was tasked to carry out a parallel track search from the ferry terminal to Parkstone Yacht club, while the Atlantic started towards Sandbanks.

The Atlantic was picking up an EPIRB signal, which crews were able to narrow down.

A 7.8m rib was then located on a mooring off Royal Motor Yacht Club.

It had a large amount of water in it which had activated the EPIRB.

With nobody in danger and the owner confirmed safe and well, both boats returned to the station at 7am.

Poole RNLI volunteers have now launched 49 times this year.