FERNDOWN has formed its first football team in more than a decade in the hope it can help build a stronger community in the area.

Ferndown town councillors, Cllr Simon Cable and Cllr Lawrence Wilson, have helped 'resurrect' a Ferndown football team. 

Set up with aims to help build a community, the team held a trial day on June 30 and was amazed by the amount of people that appeared, now able to build a full 11-a-side team with reserves. 

Cllr Wilson said: "The town hasn't had a football in a long time so our group called Ferndown People's Alliance had as one of our goals to recreate a sense of community and try and promote Ferndown.

"There's just not a lot in town anymore. I remember when I was a boy, you had the carnival, there used to be a pram race and there was a football team. 

"It just seems that over the years, the town's been declining and it's almost like it's a town you drive through. There's no reason to come here so anything to try and forge a community spirit can only be a good thing."

The team has been immediately put in Bournemouth Division Three against other teams in the area such as Bournemouth Athletic FC and Poole Wanderers. It expects to play its first match in September. 

Sponsored by Ultraheat Plumbing and Heating Services, Cllr Wilson said the business has donated £2,000 to help the team with business director, Mark Lorains to also serve as the team's manager. 

Mark said: "To not have a football club representing Ferndown is just crazy. 2013 was the last time I coached and I did it for five seasons before that but this is not like that. 

"This is an actual football club for fans and, as much as I want it to be fun, I want to get guys that can win games and the trials day had a great turnout with guys that turned up and wanted to play and have a desire to commit."