A RAMPANT dog left multiple people needing hospital treatment after a frenzied high street attack.

The owner was reportedly ‘afraid of his own dog’ and was unable to control it while it injured four people.

Enrico Guadagno, 47, appeared at Poole Magistrates Court, charged with four counts of being an owner in charge of a dog dangerously out of control causing injury, and one count of being in charge of a dangerous dog without injury.

Prosecuting, Charles Nightingale, told the court on July 1 that the dog, a Belgiam Malinois named JJ, was seen running loose on Charminster Road.

At around 10pm on December 28 last year one man saw a large ‘excitable’ dog with its owner, before it began to run towards him.

He said he was “terrified and scared” and began to run but the dog caught up and bit him on the left shoulder.

The dog fled and the owner ran after him, while the victim took himself to hospital.

Another man, stood outside Anatolia takeaway shop, noticed a dog running loose.

He warned an elderly male and a young female walking with their two dogs of the unsupervised animal.

However, the dog appeared and latched onto one of the smaller pets forcing the elderly man to pick it up.

The dog then turned its attention to the second pet before running around and “trying to bite members of the public.”

When the man left the shop to help a female police officer, he was also bitten on the hand.

PC Holt said when she arrived on the scene, she saw the dog running up and down the road, which appeared to be looking for people.

The dog came running towards her and she saw a man, who she believed to be the owner, “extremely intoxicated.”

“The owner was not able to control the dog whatsoever, he appeared to be afraid of his own dog,” said PC Holt.

With police dog units and firearm units on their way, PC Holt deployed her taser on the dog but it did not incapacitate it.

When the owner came back into view she said: “I do not care if it bites you, grab your dog you idiot.

“If you do not, this is going to end badly, sort your sh** out.”

The dog was tasered by a police officer and was later destroyed with the owner's consent. 

Following the incident one victim was bitten on the shoulder, another needed three cuts glued together in hospital, one woman had puncture wounds to her leg and one man left with grazes on hands and knees.

Guadagno, representing himself, said he was “completely sorry for what occurred” and that he was overrun by the dog and the situation.

“I have been a dog lover my whole life and never had this problem. I never expected that to happen.”

District judge Orla Austin disqualified Guadagno, of Lowther Road, from owning a dog in the next seven years.

He was sentenced to four months, suspended for 12 months, and must complete 25 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

He must also pay £427.20 in compensation to cover vet bills and ruined personal belongings.