A DORSET animal charity has hit out over ‘negligent’ grass cutting from BCP Council.

Grass seeds can cause eardrum ruptures in dogs, which could lead to death.

Now, dog owners across the county are raising awareness of the danger that grass seed poses to animals.

Nicky Crowe, director at Dorset Dog-Friendly, said: “It's worse and worse - 2023 so many issues and now 2024 even more reported on our group.

“Huge vets bills, dogs being sedated, grass seeds burrow one way and go deep into ear channels, between paw pads, and into eyes and noses.

"The council is leaving the grass verges overgrown to such an extent access has been difficult and they are cutting the grass seeds on the verges only in late June - by this time the seed is dry and at its most dangerous for dogs.

“The seeds and mess post cut is left everywhere and the wind has spread it along pavements and access areas.

"It feels like pure negligence. We all want to help wildlife but this is public access and just the verges we are wanting cared for and maintained - these verges have no flowers on them just an overgrowth of grass seed.

"We are restricted during the summer where we can take our dogs by the council and yet they do nothing to make sure access to those areas we are allowed to take our dogs is safe."

“It's impacting humans health and dogs safety.”

A BCP Council spokesperson said: “We declared a climate and ecological emergency in 2019. Part of our response to this was to make changes to the way some green spaces are managed across the Bournemouth, Christchurch, and Poole area.

“This has helped us to develop sustainable policies and procedures as we work to tackle climate change and improve conditions for wildlife, while also ensuring important areas are kept safe and tidy.

“Leaving areas uncut and managing them as meadow improves conditions for wildlife and increases biodiversity.

“We always aim to manage our green spaces for the benefit of both people and wildlife and focus our resources where they are most needed. We work hard to achieve that considered balance, working with resident’s feedback, as we care for a wide range of green spaces.”