PLANS to build 178 homes near New Milton have been recommended for approval. 

Developers Hurst Castle Ltd is set to be given outline planning permission to build 178 homes on the outskirts of New Milton off Gore Road.

Originally submitted in April 2022, the plans include an open public space and access by foot, bike and car from surrounding roads with a main entrance off Gore Road. 

Case officer, James Gilfillan, said: "The scheme has economic, environmental and social benefits that, along with compliance with the development plan, would secure a sustainable development.

"The scheme makes a significant contribution towards the delivery of housing and making up the five year housing land supply shortfall, taken with the provision of 21 per cent of the scheme in a policy compliant tenure mix of affordable housing weighs significantly in favour of the scheme."

Alongside New Forest District Council, New Milton Town Council has found the plans acceptable subject to High Authority approval and adherence to Neighbourhood Plan Policy specifically regarding the increased need for climate change mitigation measures. 

A total of 20 letters of objection have been received by the council with concerns relating to too much traffic and air pollution alongside not enough doctors, dentists or schools for new residents. 

Christchurch resident, Julie Morris, said: "The proposed development will increase the amount of traffic on Gore Road which is already very busy and prone to drivers exceeding the speed limit

"The development would have a direct and detrimental impact on wildlife that currently use the fields.

"Hedgehogs in particular are red-listed classed as vulnerable to extinction and live in the hedgerows at the edge of the field. 

"I cannot see any mention of protecting them or helping to increase their numbers."

According to the design code of the plans, 83 per cent of all dwellings are small homes between one and three-bed homes aimed at young people and families.

28 houses will be made for affordable home ownership which is 16 per cent of all housing.

459 parking spaces have been planned to be built to suit the needs of residents, alongside 348 cycle spaces.