CYCLISTS have come under fire for ignoring the rules and riding along the seafront. 

Residents have blasted bicycle users for “weaving around pedestrians” along the footpath between Bournemouth beach and Sandbanks. 

Bikes, skates, skateboards and e-scooters are not allowed on the prom in Bournemouth and Poole between 10am and 6pm during July and August. 

Jo Hall was walking along the seafront for half an hour on Tuesday afternoon, July 2, when she claims to have encountered 14 cyclists riding their bikes. 

FURY: The cyclists have caused fury with residents FURY: The cyclists have caused anger with residents (Image: Daily Echo)

She told the Echo of her “frustration” at the “annoying” cyclists putting walkers in danger “from all directions”. 

The 55-year-old said: “People go in both directions and noticeably, it was all people I would say in their 50s which was quite a surprise.  

“We wouldn't have expected that and they blatantly know what they're doing because other people were saying that you shouldn't be cycling, it's July, but they are.  

“And then some people just stick their fingers up at you and then you get some of the swerving in and out in the busier places when you're coming up to Durley Chine. 

“It's just frustrating because it's quite clear and there's enough signage down there.” 

Clear signage at Pier ApproachClear signage at Pier Approach (Image: Daily Echo)

Prominent signage was put up by BCP Council ahead of the ban on Monday, July 1 telling cycling is not allowed between 10am and 6pm. 

She added: “You're not expecting them because they're not supposed to be cycling. You can't even hear them coming up behind you 

“You have to move out of their way, because otherwise they're going to crash into you.” 

BCP Council’s spokesman said reemphasised cyclists also have a responsibility to abide by the rules.

(Image: Daily Echo)

He said: “Persons who fail to adhere to this face prosecution through civil enforcement from the BCP Council seafront rangers team.

"Outside of the of this time, any person exceeding the 10mph speed limit also faces prosecution.

"All access points to our seafront have information signs that display the regulations and rules with supporting signage across the bay. 

“Our seafront rangers do intervene and talk to cyclists wherever possible, but unfortunately not every cyclist is receptive to the advice given to them and our rangers can often be on the receiving end of some rather unwarranted behaviour. 

“We work in partnership with Dorset Police on certain days to speak to people flouting this ban and these interactions are very well received, with a large majority of cyclist heeding the advice given.”