LABOUR has won Bournemouth West for the first time in its 74-year history. 

Jessica Toale has been elected to represent the area, which includes the town centre and Westbourne, beating Sir Conor Burns by more than 3,000 votes. 

Mrs Toale, who had been a sitting councillor in Soho, told the Echo she will resign that seat “as was always the plan”. 

Meanwhile, Sir Conor – who has been the MP since 2010 – blamed the ousting of former prime minister Boris Johnson and replacing him with Liz Truss. 

Jessica ToaleJessica Toale (Image: Richard Crease)

New MP Jessica Toale said: “Thanks to the people in Bournemouth for putting their faith in Tom and I. We know it was a big ask, we know we were chasing big majorities.  

“But it just goes to show that the campaigns we ran were extremely positive, focussed on the change we want to see in Bournemouth and a lot of people came along with us.” 

One issue she has inherited is the struggles of Bournemouth town centre. In becoming MP, she automatically assumes the role of chairing the Bournemouth Town Centre Action Partnership Group. 

“I’m really excited by Labour’s plans to revive our high streets and town centres, such as reforming the business rates regime to support small businesses to get into the high street and to giving the police powers to deal with anti-social behaviour,” she added. 

Sir Conor BurnsSir Conor Burns (Image: Richard Crease)

Sir Conor said he had a feeling for some time things had been bad for his party: “My view is, don't have a prime minister who led us to the biggest electoral success since Mrs Thatcher in 1987, then inflict Liz Truss on the country and then expect to carry on and win the general election.” 

Liberal Democrat Jeff Hanna conceded defeat early: “I’ve not fully assessed the situation yet, but it doesn’t look like we’ll be winning.  

“It’s difficult [for the Lib Dems] to fight the national picture of Labour and Conservative and the way the media portray that.  

“But the good thing is that we are losing the Conservatives.” 


Result Declared: Bournemouth West 

Ben Aston (Ref) 6647 

Conor Burns (Con) 11141 

Jeff Hanna (LD) 4311 

Darren Jones (Grn) 2614 

Jessica Jade Toale (Lab) 14365 ELECTED 

Julie Vivienne (CA) 201 

David Warden (SDP) 139