SIX RNLI crew members have been commended for their efforts in a rescue they attended in harsh conditions. 

A sailor suffered a head injury having been knocked overboard and then dragged through the water by their lifeline three nautical miles off Ballard Down, Purbeck last July after the Rolex Fastnet Race 2023. 

Coxswain Dave Turnbull and crew members Rob Aggas, Tom Greasty, Phil Palmer, Andy Redout and Sam Aggas from Swanage Lifeboat Station were called to the incident. 

Although the casualty had made it back onboard, he was slipping in and out of consciousness and needed urgent medical help. 

HM Coastguard in a helicopter was above but failed to drop a paramedic onboard due to the “strong winds and confused seas”. 

Once the lifeboat crew were on scene, the yacht was told to head into the wind to slow it down and reduce its motion as much as possible.  

The lifeboat came alongside the yacht and transferred two casualty care trained crew members, a first aid kit and oxygen. 

The yacht followed the lifeboat into the calmer waters of Studland Bay so the sailor could be transferred safely to the lifeboat. 

Eventually, he was taken back ashore and into the care of the ambulance service waiting in Poole Harbour around two hours later. 

George Wallis was the station’s launch authority that day and requested the crew were commended for their actions that day. 

He said: “After already having spent several hours at sea that same day, the Coxswain and crew demonstrated outstanding seamanship in challenging, deteriorating conditions over the evening, with the wind reaching gale force gusts and the seas building as it approached high tide with breaking waves in excess of four metres.  

“The Coxswain brought the boats together several times over the course of the rescue to transfer people and kit during which neither boat was damaged and no harm to personnel occurred.  

“It is fitting that the dedicated training and commitment of these volunteers was recognised.” 

All six of them have been awarded a Chief Executive's Commendation. 

RNLI chief executive Mark Dowie said: “I would like to express my sincere thanks on behalf of the RNLI for your dedicated service to Swanage Lifeboat Station.  

“To Dave Turnbull I would particularly like to commend your skilful boat handling in such challenging conditions, which enabled personnel and medical equipment to be safely transferred to the casualty vessel. 

“As a result of your and your crew’s actions, one life was saved.”