COUNCIL leader Vikki Slade will remain in her post for possibly the next couple of months. 

BCP’s leader, who last week was elected as the new MP for Mid Dorset and North Poole, said there will be “no immediate change” to those at the top of the council just yet. 

Sitting down with the Echo in her hometown of Broadstone, Cllr Slade emphasised she will be leading the council during the remainder of the summer when Parliament goes into recess. 

“We're working through the next few weeks, the next couple of months as we’ve got to make the decisions that are right for BCP,” she said. 

“We didn’t believe we could do this [win a seat in Parliament] and so we didn’t really make plans. Can you imagine if I didn’t win and somebody ousted me? That was not an option for me. 

Vikki Slade with husband PaulVikki Slade with husband Paul

“We’ve had to go on the assumption that things would carry on. There will be changes, but what they will look like will develop over the coming weeks. 

“I have no choice but to crack on in Westminster... it’s in the constitution that the deputy leader deputises when I’m not available and steps in. 

“So if I have to be away for any period of time, [Cllr Millie Earl] will do that. But there is no immediate change that's going to happen.” 

Cllr Slade, who has already confirmed she will stay as ward councillor for Broadstone until the next round of local elections, teased a possible cabinet reshuffle is around the corner. 

“There was always a plan that over this summer we would probably look at the shape of the cabinet and the portfolios, and we’re ready for a bit of change,” she added. 

“Parliament goes into recess in a couple of weeks' time, so I'm not going to be up in Westminster permanently for the next couple of months.  

“I'm up there for the next couple of weeks, so it will be no different to booking a holiday.” 

It’s widely expected if Cllr Slade steps down as BCP Council’s leader, her deputy Millie Earl will take over. 

Cabinet member for finance Mike Cox, who has been responsible for the council avoiding bankruptcy, has already ruled himself out of the top spot.