WHAT an insult! the new Health Secretary Wes Streeting says the “NHS is broken”.

I do wonder how all the hard-working people who work in the NHS, as well as the many millions of people who have received excellent treatment from the NHS feel about this statement.

Yes, improvements can be made in any organisation and not least the NHS, for example waiting lists are far too long.

Just for a moment though, look around the BCP conurbation, go and look at the new Beach building at Bournemouth Hospital.

Which will house a new maternity unit, critical care services and a paediatric ward.

Look at the new buildings, housing the new operating theatres at Poole Hospital.

The new outpatient assessment clinic in the top floor of the old Beales building in the Dolphin Centre, Poole.

Again, I would say yes there are some failings and yes improvements can be made, but certainly in our locality I do not believe the “NHS is broken”.

With all this in mind, for the new health secretary Wes Streeting to say the “NHS is broken” would seem not the right terminology to describe it.

Perhaps he should come and look at what’s going on in Dorset.

Colin Moyes

Harkwood Drive,
