A BOURNEMOUTH woman has won a national award for her return to learning through social prescribing.

Angie Collard, from Bournemouth, won the return to learning award at the 2024 Festival of Learning, held at City Lit in London on July 3 after she earned five qualifications since being socially prescribed. 

Provided courses available at Bournemouth Churches Housing Association by her GP, Angie has said the courses have given her a sense of purpose and developed her confidence.

Mark Shaw, personal development trainer at BHCA, said: “Upon returning to learning, Angie quickly discovered a wide range of benefits and rapidly acquired an appetite for more education.

"As a result, she is making good use of her time, has begun to build positive, healthy and meaningful social networks, and is managing her finances effectively.

"Angie is proud to have become an unofficial ‘learning ambassador’, sharing information and learning opportunities with her peers at home.”

Before learning, Angie's life was described as 'chaotic and unmanageable' with her future 'looking bleak'. 

However, since being socially prescribed, she has reconnected with her family and is now said to feel like a 'useful and productive member of her community'.

Festival of Learning is an annual campaign which aims to celebrate the power of learning.