A MAN who uses a wheelchair but has to climb stairs to get to his flat is ‘desperate’ as he waits for a new flat from the council.

Sam Carson, 45, is on the emergency list for housing in the BCP Council conurbation.

He has Ataxia, a progressive condition which affects his balance and motor coordination.

As reported, Sam currently lives in a first-floor flat which he first moved into in 2007, when he didn’t need any aid to get around.

But he now needs a wheelchair and has to ‘hang on for dear life’ as he climbs the stairs each day to his flat.

(Image: Newsquest)

Four months ago, Sam told the Daily Echo how he had not been offered any suitable flats since being added to the emergency list.

He was offered a flat shortly after but turned it down due to antisocial behaviour and drugs in the area.

Sam has not been offered any other flats since, and while he appreciates there is a housing shortage and the council is struggling, he cannot understand why there are no suitable properties for him.

“I don’t seem to be getting anywhere,” Sam said.

“People move in all the time and its four months after, and I haven’t been offered one flat after that one in Springbourne.

“Surely my needs aren’t that specialised, all I need is a ground floor flat with maybe a bit of room to manoeuvre my wheelchair.”

(Image: Newsquest)

Sam is also keen to get an electric wheelchair to help him get around but would not have the space or facilities to do so where he currently lives.

“I’m desperate,” he said. “This is an upstairs flat and its very dangerous for me to get up the stairs, I have to hang on for dear life.

“It has been brilliant here, I’ve got a lovely view over the common, I love it here. If there was a lift, I wouldn’t need to move out.”

Sam in 2014

A BCP Council spokesperson said: “Mr Carson is on the Emergency Band in line with BCP’s Housing Allocation Policy, which means that finding alternative accommodation for him is a priority.

“We continue to work with him to find a property which meets his requirements, which is challenging given the limited supply of suitable accommodation.”