A LARGE military ship was spotted docked off the Dorset coast, sparking speculation about its purpose.

Multiple military Wildcat helicopters were also seen taking off and landing from the ship.

Swanage residents photographed the vessel as it sailed past the bay on July 10.

Named the Eddystone Ro-Ro, the cargo vessel is essential for the transport of large aircraft.

The Daily Echo contacted the Ministry of Defence for more details.

A Royal Navy spokesperson said: “The MV Eddystone is a strategic Roll-on Roll-off vessel which supports the Royal Navy in a variety of tasks, including transport of equipment and vehicles. For security reasons, it would be inappropriate to comment on current operations."

The boat is now currently sailing across the English Channel into Biscay Bay on the way to Gibraltar after departing from Portland on July 10.

The vessel measures 193 metres by 26.07 and is frequently used by the military.