A POOLE resident has braved the shave with her best friend who has undergone chemotherapy after being diagnosed with breast cancer.

Clare Godfrey, 52, has shaved her hair off alongside her best friend, Barbara Wells, 60, who was diagnosed with breast cancer in January 2024.

Both Barbara and Clare agreed to shave their heads with proceeds to be sent to Macmillan and The Little Princess Trust and have raised nearly £2,000. 

Clare said: "It's always been a big part of me because I've always had long hair and it's big hair as well. 

"It's going to make me very vulnerable to be honest. I'm happy we raised the money for charity but two days later, I might be thinking, hang on a second, I've now got no hair and am I going to be alright mentally?"

Meeting on the playground, Clare and Barbara have known each other for 11 years with Clare describing their relationship as 'closer to family'. 

Barbara offered support to Clare when she lost her dad in December 2023 and had to miss the funeral after doctors found a shadow after a check-up.

Clare said: "In 11 years we've never had a bad word from each other and when I lost my father in December, she was a complete rock for me. 

"When we had dad's funeral in January, she told me couldn't make it there because they found a shadow on her breast. 

"Of course, we were devastated. After my dad's funeral, I thought, right, I have to concentrate on Barbara and now help her get through what she needs from me."

Originally setting a goal of £1,000, they doubled it to £2,000 after smashing the original figure. 

Although a bit scared about the shave, Clare was aware she can regrow her hair while for others, it's not a choice. 

She said: "Regardless of the money side of it, I'm not just someone who's shaving their head, I'm a woman who's losing her identity.

"I'm just fighting to grow my hair back but they've got to fight for the rest of their life and to keep the cancer at bay or just get through the treatments."