COUNCILLORS will elect a new leader at BCP Council next week following the resignation of Vikki Slade. 

An extraordinary meeting has been called on Tuesday, July 23 ahead of the full council meeting to vote on the authority’s fifth leader in five years. 

Cllr Slade, who was elected as Mid Dorset and North Poole’s MP at the general election, will remain as ward councillor for Broadstone until the next local elections. 

It’s widely expected Cllr Slade’s deputy Millie Earl will be elected as BCP Council’s new leader.

Mike Cox, the cabinet member for finance, has already ruled himself out. 

Read more: BCP Council leader Vikki Slade announces resignation

The outgoing leader said: “In the short term, if parliamentary or constituency business does need my attention, then we have a good strong deputy leader in Cllr Millie Earl, who has the confidence of the cabinet and the authority, under the council’s constitution, to take any decisions that are required in my absence.” 

Under the constitution, Cllr Slade could have stayed on as leader of BCP Council while serving as an MP. 

Speaking to the Echo after the election victory, she hinted at staying on as leader during the summer to allow for a slower passing of power. 

But on July 9, she announced her resignation – formally handing in her notice on July 14.