A BOURNEMOUTH teenager has been chosen to represent England in weightlifting in South Africa.

Harvey Chester, 16, from West Howe, has been chosen to represent England at the World Masters Classic and Equipped Powerlifting Championships in Sun City this October.

He became involved in weightlifting two years ago after being inspired by his sister.

Harvey was selected after winning gold at the English championships in May, winning the squat, deadlift and bench alongside breaking south west records in every lift. 

Harvey said: "I went to the English competition about a month ago and they decided who would go to South Africa there. 

"It was a good day out. I'm now going to be training very hard for South Africa. I've got to keep my diet and keep weight with lots of protein until then."

As well as still being in school and competing as an athlete, Harvey is also a full-time for his mum, Nichola Chester, 57.

Previously a sports coach, Nichola suffered a stroke in 2020 and has since had three heart attacks and is now registered blind.

Due to the new restrictions in her sight and abilities, Harvey has become crucial to helping her in daily life. 

Nichola said: "He's an amazing kid, he's a young carer so he doesn't go on all the trips. 

"I had never been to hospital except to have my kids up until 2020 and I've been away since then. I had another stroke in March and apparently, I said 'I've got to stay alive for Harvey'."

Due to her health, Nichola is unable to fly to South Africa with Harvey and instead, his older brother will join him at the competition.

Estimated to cost £3,500, Harvey will also have to find the money to make the trip after being given no funding which includes buying his own England kit and drug testing.

However, Harvey said despite this, he is incredibly proud to represent England. 

He said: "It's unexplainable the sense of the achievement and the patriotism. I just want to do the country proud."

Harvey has set up a gofundme page to help raise money so he can compete.