BOURNEMOUTH’S position with Netanya will remain unchanged after a councillor’s calls to un-twin the town with the Israeli city. 

Green councillor Joe Salmon’s motion to the Bournemouth charter of trustees calling for the uncoupling was shot down before it even took off. 

The mayor of Bournemouth George Farquhar told the charter of trustees that following consultation and advice from the honorary clerk Graham Farrant, the proposal will not be debated. 

Cllr Salmon had called for Netanya and Bournemouth to un-twin following what he said was a “system of apartheid imposed on Palestinians in Israel”. 

Pro-Palestinian protesters outside the town hallPro-Palestinian protesters outside the town hall (Image: Daily Echo)

Loud chants could be heard from the car park outside the town hall as large protests supporting both sides held demonstrations. 

Dorset Police said no arrests were made and the officers were there to "enable peaceful lawful protest and maintain public safety".

Bournemouth councillors were quick to denounce Cllr Salmon’s motion, insisting it should not have been brought forward as it is “stirring up division".

Littledown councillor Lawrence Williams said Cllr Salmon “should concentrate on his residents in Moordown and not international politics in Palestine”. 

He added: “It was a total waste of time and resources for the council. They had to lay on extra security, not just for Cllr Filer and I, but for the other councillors. 

“We didn’t expect it to go forward, I got the feeling that the large majority of councillors would have voted it down.” 

The motion was brought forward by Joe SalmonThe motion was brought forward by Joe Salmon (Image: Daily Echo)

West Southbourne councillor Jeff Hanna said Cllr Salmon should “reflect on the harm that [his] approach is doing here in Bournemouth and to desist”, adding he is “unnecessarily stirring up division and discontent within our community”. 

Cllr Hanna said: “The scenes last night, of Palestinian and Israeli supporters loudly protesting against one another outside the Civic Centre, brought about by [Cllr Salmon’s] motion, will have done nothing for our reputation.” 

Mayor Farquhar said the proposal will not be debated as it "falls outside the scope of standing order 1A”. 

He added there is “no ability for charter trustees to challenge this decision” but was advised by Mr Farrant the civic working group “will undertake a review of the standing orders to ensure that they're fit for purpose”. 

Lawrence Williams said Joe Salmon should focus on Moordown, not PalestineLawrence Williams said Joe Salmon should focus on Moordown, not Palestine

The matter was not before BCP Council, but rather the charter trustees which is a separate organisation, funded by council taxpayers through an additional precept. 

A spokesman for BCP Council said: “Bournemouth Charter Trustees had been asked to consider a motion from Cllr Salmon requesting that the Bournemouth Twinning Association de-twin the towns of Bournemouth and Netanya, and that BCP Council subsequently be asked to remove any associated signage.  

“This motion was due to be debated at the meeting of the charter Trustees on Wednesday 17 July at Bournemouth Civic Centre.  

“The mayor, following consultation with and advice from the honorary clerk and consideration of Bournemouth Chartered Trustees standing orders, has ruled that having considered the standing orders, the motion by Cllr J Salmon and seconded by Cllr K Salmon shall not be debated as it falls outside of the rules governing the meeting.  

“Therefore, the motion will no longer be heard during the meeting.” 

Dorset Police said it was made aware of the planned protest outside the town hall.

A spokeswoman said: "We respect people’s right to lawful protest and officers, together with partners from BCP Council, liaised with the organisers to ensure people could exercise their right to peaceful protest without causing a disruption to a planned meeting during the evening and wider community.

"There were no arrests and officers were in attendance with local authority colleagues as part of the pre-planning to enable peaceful lawful protest and maintain public safety."

Cllr Joe Salmon has been approached for a comment.