PLANS to tear down an old Bournemouth home and replace it with modern flats have been submitted. 

The home in Boscombe Overcliff Drive could be demolished to make way for a five storey apartment block comprising six two-bedroom flats and two three bedroom flats. 

Poole-based Bayview Developments, which is behind the scheme, said the development will "provide a high standard of living” for future residents, if it is to be approved. 

Parking for eight cars will be made available as well as room on the ground floor for 18 bicycles on Sheffield stands. 

(Image: ARC Architects/Bayview Developments)

Planning consultant Pure Town Planning said: “The development will make a positive contribution to the street frontage on both Boscombe Overcliff Drive and Dingle Road, responding to this corner plot location, and the wider built environment, fitting in well with the established developments and not adversely impacting upon local distinctiveness.” 

Most homes and apartment blocks in Boscombe Overcliff Drive are as low as two storeys and as high as five storeys, meaning the latest one will be one of the tallest in the road. 

But the planning consultants have insisted the building would “sit coherently within the street scene”. 

The proposals will be decided at a later date by BCP Council.