A TWO-day festival will celebrate the 25th anniversary of a town’s militia.

Wimborne Militia will mark the occasion over the weekend of September 7 and 8, with their trademark red coats and jaunty hats filling the town.

The militia will set up camp at the field near Julian’s Bridge, where attendees can witness the group’s skills in action.

From the making of cannon balls to the baking of bread in a historical kitchen, a host of traditional skills will be on show.

(Image: Wimborne Militia)

The militia will be joined by historical societies and experts from across the country to create living history demonstrations throughout the weekend.

The sounds of 17th century music will fill the air, with the opportunity to explore an 18th century gun deck.

Historical demonstrations and theatrical performances will take place at an outside arena.

On Saturday night, there will be a performance of Tchaikovsky’s iconic 1812 overture as it was originally meant to be performed – with live cannon fire.

A programme of talks and speakers will give insight into the history of the militia, and you can have a go at carrying out musket or cannon drills.

A paintball musket range gives the opportunity to test your aim, too.

The town mayor’s sergeant for the militia, Chris Brown, said: “We want to thank the people of Wimborne for all their support over the past 25 years with this special festival.

(Image: Ton Scrase)

“We’d love to hear from local charities and organisations who help make Wimborne the great town it is today who may like to do a community talk or have a free stall at the event.”

Former Wimborne resident Kingsley Longfoot has set up a new arm of the militia in Austria, which will be welcomed to the festival.

Chris said: “The Militia has expanded over the years and we’re excited to be welcoming our newly formed Militia cohort all the way from Austria, complete with their own Standard.

“It is hope our Austrian contingent will have this colourful piece blessed upon the Minster Green by Canon Andrew Rowland on the Sunday of our event.”

The event is funded by the militia with support from the town council and the Wimborne BID.

Tammy Sleet, Wimborne BID manager said: “The Militia are a great asset to the town and the BID are delighted to support this community-focused event. It’s a terrific way to round off our Summer of History programme for this year.”