TIME is running out for schools, sports clubs and community groups to take advantage of the Woodland Trust’s latest free trees giveaway.

The UK’s largest woodland conservation charity is hoping to reach 16 million trees planted in the UK and has given away 15 million saplings through its ever-popular free trees scheme since it started in 2010. 

So far, 4,455 trees have been planted in Dorset and a further 11,445 trees in Hampshire, including the New Forest

Steve Shill, Woodland Trust senior project lead, said: “Planting trees is such a simple action, but the collective impact can make a huge difference to people and the planet. 

“Trees help nature, combat flooding, provide shelter and reduce pollution. And they unite communities, inspire pride and bring huge benefits for mental wellbeing. 

“It’s a great way for schoolchildren and all sorts of community groups – from sports clubs to faith groups – to learn about the environment and do their bit. 

“Every school should have trees, but if you don’t have space to plant, don’t worry – you can still get involved in planting. Why not partner with a local community group or council to plant trees in a public space? 

Visit woodlandtrust.org.uk/plant-trees/schools-and-communities/ to sign up.