A DEFIANT Green councillor has stood by his motion calling on Bournemouth’s charter trustees to un-twin with the Israeli city of Netanya. 

Cllr Joe Salmon, of Moordown, said it was “problematic” that debate on the two town’s future relationship was cancelled “just an hour before the meeting” on July 17. 

Bournemouth councillors Lawrence Williams and Jeff Hanna both accused Cllr Salmon of “stirring up division” in the town with his proposals. 

Responding to the claims, Cllr Salmon said: “I believe it is vital that difficult subjects like this are discussed by our political figures. 

Pro-Palestinian protesters outside the town hall on Wednesday evening, July 17.Pro-Palestinian protesters outside the town hall on Wednesday evening, July 17. (Image: Daily Echo)

“Hard choices in life don’t go away because we refuse to acknowledge them. I also refute accusations that I have stirred up division within our community. 

“I brought this motion to the Bournemouth charter trustees at the request of members of our BCP community who feel very strongly that the matter should be discussed.  

“If we refuse to discuss these contentious issues we create a political vacuum that will be filled with the voices of intolerant extremists” 

He added it is his belief that changes need to be made for the charter trustees to have the constitutional powers to un-twin towns from both Bournemouth and Poole