One butterfly has taken the top spot for its number of sightings across Dorset.

This was the Red Admiral, and of all 4,044 people who tag part in the ‘Big Butterfly Count’ reported the most sightings of the particular invertebrate.

People in Dorset are once again being asked by Butterfly Conservation to spend 15 minutes outside in a sunny spot and record their butterfly sightings until Sunday, August 4.

Dr Zoë Randle, Senior Surveys Officer at Butterfly Conservation said: ‘We really need people across Dorset to get out for the Count to help us understand the impact of climate change on our most-loved butterflies.

“We’re relying on everyone, everywhere to spend just 15 minutes outdoors and let us know what they see. With species on the move, someone in Dorset might even be the first to spot a new species in their area."

For more information and to take part, visit or download the free Big Butterfly Count app.