DEVELOPERS have lodged plans to knock down a former international college site and rebuild 93 homes. 

Harrow House International College, off Walrond Road in Swanage, was founded in 1969 to provide residential educational courses for international students but closed in 2021. 

Since then, directors at Harrow House International College (Swanage) Limited have been drawing up plans to redevelop the site. 

The main school building will be converted into 14 apartments while the remaining 79 homes will be apartments of between one- and four- bedrooms split between three blocks. 

Sketch of the homesSketch of the homes (Image: Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt)

All of this could change as part of the planning application process, the applicant said, as could the 10 per cent commitment to affordable housing. 

Planning consultant Chapman Lily Planning said: “The proposed dwellings would make efficient use of land in Swanage, in a sustainable location, supporting the local economy through the delivery of homes, as confirmed previously by Dorset Council. 

“The proposal would contribute 93 homes to Purbeck’s five-year housing land supply, including affordable homes as well as a suitable mix of tenures and sizes to cater for identified local needs, which will be secured via a legal agreement.” 

Purbeck’s recently approved local plan says there needs to be 186 new homes built a year, totalling just under 3,000 by 2034. 

Landscaping would also be created around the site, a public open space and ecological enhancements with opportunities to achieve biodiversity net gain. 

Public exhibitions were held in Swanage by the developer along with meetings with Swanage Town Council and Swanage Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. 

Dorset Council said that although there will be disruption should the development go ahead it will only be relatively short-term and, even when completed, the site is likely to have less traffic than when it was a school. 

So far, there has been the demolition of 610 dormitory bed spaces, 25 classrooms, a swimming pool and other outbuildings. 

Chapman Lily added: “The scheme can be accommodated in the townscape of Swanage without harm to the character and appearance of the area and will have no adverse effect on residential amenity.” 

A decision on the proposals will be decided by Dorset Council at a later date.