BUSINESS leaders from across Bournemouth and Dorset have assembled together at an event held at Bournemouth University.

The Regional Roadshow, held at the university on July 16, was put together by the Great South West Pan-Regional Partnership and the Dorset Chamber.

The aim was to give local businesses a national platform and involve them in discussions on the future of the region.

Senior business leaders, investors and local authorities attended the event, which included panel discussions on skills development, infrastructure needs and sustainability initiatives.

Among the delegates were Cecilia Bufton from Dorset LEP, Graham Farrant from BCP Council, and Ian Girling from the Dorset Chamber.

Karl Tucker, chair of the Great South West Partnership, said: "The Dorset Regional Roadshow demonstrated the huge potential and ambition of our business community.

"The insights shared will be essential in shaping our voice with the new government, ensuring that the South West is heard loud and clear in Westminster."

Ian Girling, chief executive of Dorset Chamber and Dorset LEP Board Member, added: "This event was a fantastic opportunity to showcase the innovative spirit and resilience of Dorset's business community.

"The south west is ready for significant investment and growth, and events like this help ensure our voice is heard at the highest levels of government."