DORSET'S police and crime commissioner delivered the opening address at a conference tackling violence against women. 

The Office of Police and Crime Commissioner in Dorset organised and hosted the conference for educational professionals including teacher and childcare staff. 

The event was dedicated to tackling violence against women and girls (VAWG), with a specific focus on early years, from birth to 11-year-old.

Guests on the day also heard from the head of violence reduction at the OPCC, senior officers in Dorset Police who lead on child abuse as well as vulnerability and VAWG, representatives from The Shores – Sexual Assault Referral Centre and STARS – Sexual Trauma and Recovery Service as well as Paragon’s children’s and young persons domestic abuse advocates.

Organisations including Respected, Safempowerment, Acts Fast and The Pineapple Project were also represented, providing key information about their work to delegates throughout the day.

Mr Sidwick said: "It was an inspiring, informative, and supportive event, with brilliant expert speakers from services and organisations commissioned by the OPCC who are integral in tackling VAWG in Dorset.

"Each person commanded the room and delivered vital information to everyone there and I thank them for their valuable input.

"My office deliberately focused this event on the very beginning of a young person’s life, as this is a pivotal period when children learn what healthy relationships and appropriate behaviours look like.

"This is when young people find out what is right and what is wrong. Sadly, for too many of them, this is also when problems start in their young lives.

"It is why early intervention by the people invited to this event among many others in Dorset, is key to dealing with behaviours which may later lead to harm."