RE Susan Appleby's letter in Saturdays Echo (July 20)

I totally agree with her comments about cycling in Poole Park - especially the path around the cricket pitch.

I was walking on this path about eight days ago totally enjoying the lovely flowers surrounding the cricket pitch when suddenly I felt an enormous knock on my legs which ended with me being knocked over by a child on a bicycle.

Obviously I didn't see them coming as they hit me from behind.

Fortunately my daughter managed to catch me just as I was about to hit the ground and she lowered me down gently.

Several people witnessed this and offered help. They managed to get me to a very nearby seat where I burst into tears (shock I suppose) and was shaking badly.

I'm pleased to say nothing was broken but by the next day my calf was very badly bruised. To make matters worse I am on the waiting list for a hip replacement and it had to be the leg on that side which was hit.

I am not saying cyclists should not be allowed in the park but I do think children should have supervision.

The parents were probably watching the cricket so were not aware of what happened.

Annie Chambers

Cromwell Road,
