STREET drinkers in Bournemouth town centre became “abusive” when confronted by a police officer on patrol. 

Neighbourhood police officer Greg was in the Central Gardens on Tuesday afternoon, July 23, when he came across the street drinkers sat on a bench. 

PC Greg was “concerned by their rowdy behaviour” and began talking to them. 

“A 51-year-old man became particularly abusive towards Greg,” a police spokesman said. “He was [allegedly] drunk and shouting and swearing loudly.  

“Following failed negotiations, the man was arrested [on suspicion of] being drunk and disorderly. He will be charged when he is sober enough to comprehend.” 

He added: “Bournemouth south neighbourhood policing team are taking a much tougher stance on street drinking as part of efforts to improve the town centre.  

“If you observe unpleasant behaviour associated with street drinking, please report online via our website. NPT Officers are regularly on foot patrol in hotspots in the town centre.  

“The public spaces protection order (PSPO) has recently been updated to tackle this issue. More information can be reviewed on BCP Council’s website.”