A CROP circle has mysteriously appeared in a Dorset field with photographers flocking to capture the art.

Lewis Johnstone and Calvin Carpenter were two talented drone photographers who caught a glimpse of the sight on July 21.

Lewis, who is an engineer by trade, began his photography business around three to four years ago after his hobby grew.

(Image: Lewis Johnstone Photography)

He spotted the crop circle on a local Facebook group and said both curiosity and want for a photo pulled him down there.

The crop circle is located in a field near Badbury Rings, Blandford, but Lewis said it is only possible to see via drone.

“The weekend was the only time I could get over there and it was raining at the time but I think that makes the photo because it looks misty,” said Lewis.

“I wanted to see one, so I could say I’ve seen one and I wanted to photograph it.”

He added: “I personally think it is manmade, but they do a very good job at it.

“I can see why people have the theories of aliens, but they are very symmetrical.

“It does damage the cops but it looks good.”

(Image: Calvin Carpenter)

Calvin, a painter and decorator from Poole, also visited the site on Saturday, June 21 for his photography hobby.

He has been taking photos for a couple of years but began experimenting with a drone around eight to nine months ago.

“Someone posted it a couple weeks ago which I think was the first sighting, so I decided to have a look and I thought it would make a good picture,” said Calvin.

Although visiting early in the day Calvin said he saw groups of other people in fields attempting to catch a glimpse of the crop circle.

“When I first put the drone up there was quite a few people sat in the middle and walking round trying to find a way in.

“Some thought it was a spiritual thing, some thought it was aliens.

“It was quite interesting talking to people in the car park.”

After speaking to alien enthusiasts, Calvin was not quite convinced and said he also believes the crop circle is manmade.

“I am not too sure about the alien theory.

“I think there are some very artistic people, it is perfect with the lines and shapes.”